Lastovo, along with Mljet, is Croatia's most forested island.
Unfortunately, in the last decade several forest fires have ravaged the southern end of the island and devastated the oak and pine forests. However, in the centre of the island and especially in its northern and western areas it is still highly rich in various vegetation. Here grow around 703 plant species of which 15 are endemic and 53 endangered. The most widely spread are forest strawberry trees, holm oak, aleppo pine and diss grass which is specific for Lastovo.
MEDICINAL AND EDIBLE PLANTS Medicinal plants grow as wild herbs everywhere, such as: sage, mint, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, marjoram, fennel, lavender and rosemary. From the wild and delicious plants, it is worth mentioning the asparagus and the mushrooms known here as pečurke. These pečurke are especially delicious when cooked on a grill. You must of course come at the right time of the year – spring is ideal for long walks amongst all these rich benefits.
In their rich gardens and many fruitful fields local people grow grapes (plavac and rukatac varieties), olives (don't forget to buy some top quality local olive oil), various vegetables, almonds, carob, laurel, lemons and oranges.